How to do the Standing 1 leg calf raise for power rugby players
The standing one-leg calf raise is a drill that can be performed almost anywhere you can find steps, stairs, bleacher steps, or a street curb. When you are first beginning to do the standing 1-leg raise drill, it is wise to perform it near a railing or something you can touch for balance. Eventually, you... Read More
How to do the box jump for power rugby players
One of the fastest ways to obtain explosive speed is with box jump drills, but first, I want to point out that box jumps are NOT meant to be a conditioning exercise. With box jumps, your form is more important than the number of repetitions or the height of the box. You should always warm up your... Read More
Discover the secret hidden benefits of Beet Juice for power rugby
Some explosively powerful rugby players have touted drinking beet juice before a workout or a game for its energy-boosting effects based on the widely-held opinion that consuming beet juice improves blood flow in muscles. Beetroot is known for being a rich dietary source of antioxidants and for its high nitrate content but is been juicing... Read More